24-28 Aug 2014 Ubatuba (Brazil)

Abstracts & Registration > Registration fee & Payment


The registration fee includes entrance to all scientific events, coffee breaks, conference bag and other materials, plus a hardcopy of the programme book. It does not include the social and touristic events.

The fee values in Reais (R$) are: 

 Early registration
(up to 24/06)
Regular registrationOn-site registration
Doctors 600 800 1000
Students 200 300 400




For the payment of the registration fee, we offer different options, which depend on whether or not you have an account with a Brazilian bank. 

  • Participants from Brazil

    Brazilian participants shall make a deposit to Valerio Carruba:

    Banco do Brasil
    Agência 3574-2
    Conta corrente: 23.447-8

    In order to confirm your registration it is mandatory to send a copy of the deposit receipt by email to sbd14@sciencesconf.org or by fax to +55 12 31232868. Please keep with you the original receipt of deposit.


    In case you need a receipt emitted by an institution with a CNPJ number, the deposit should be done in name of:

    Associação Aeroespacial Brasileira

    Banco Santander
    Agência 3845
    Conta corrente: 13.003065-0
    CNPJ é 06.872.703/0001-96
  • Participants from other countries

    The preferred payment method is via PayPal. You may find below a button that redirects you to the PayPal webpage, where you can use your credit card number or your PayPal account to proceed with the payment of the registration fee. The Identification field can be used to inform the name of the participant that is being registered.

    The receipt will be sent to your email shortly after the payment is concluded. Please keep this confirmation with you. If in a few days your name does not appear in the list of registered participants, send us an email: sbd14@sciencesconf.org .


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